Relampago Cacti




A project to study the initiation, prediction, and societal impacts of convective systems in Southeast South America.


(Remote sensing of Electrification , Lightning, And Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations, translates to lightning flash in Spanish and Portuguese) is a project funded by the US National Science Foundation to bring US resources to the field to observe convective storms that produce high impact weather in the lee of the Andes mountains in Argentina. It will also involve significant contributions from NASA, NOAA, Argentina (MINyCT), Brazil (CNPq and FAPESP), and Chile (CONICYT), as well as universities across the region, Argentina’s national meteorological service (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, SMN) and Brazil’s space agency (INPE) that governs Brazil’s weather and climate prediction service (CPTEC). RELAMPAGO Extended Observing Period will be 15 August 2018 – 30 April 2019, while the Intensive Observing Period will be 1 November – 15 December 2018.


(Clouds, Aerosols, and Complex Terrain Interactions) is a US Department of Energy (DOE) funded project to study orographic clouds and their representation in multi-scale models for 15 Aug 2018 – 31 Mar 2019. It will involve the AMF-1 cloud-aerosol-radiation observatory, the Mobile Aerosol Observing System (MAOS), the CSAPR-2 precipitation radar, and a surface meteorological network. It will also bring intensive airborne observations during RELAMPAGO through the deployment of the G-1 aircraft. Read more about CACTI: DOE ARM CACTI overview

Experimental Design


“Strengthen the links between fundamental research and societal needs through investments and partnerships. “This strategic objective is aimed at developing connections between new insights and global challenges (often involving essential interdisciplinary collaborations, prototypes, and technologies). It also entails educating a workforce capable of using and adapting discoveries to meet society’s needs. One approach to developing these connections is through partnerships involving other government agencies and private and international entities. Such partnerships leverage NSF resources and help ensure that fundamental research outcomes are translated into benefits to society.?

Jeridnimo Geronimo

Whitero CEO, USA

Program Purpose

The purpose of this program is to provide a forum for people to discuss and share their knowledge and experience in the field of computer programming. We also aim to provide a platform for users to learn more about programming, share their tips and tricks, and collaborate on projects.

Project Steering committes

A project steering committee is a group of senior stakeholders who are responsible for overseeing project direction and providing guidance and support. The committee typically consists of members from senior management, executive sponsors, and other stakeholders. The committee is responsible for ensuring that the project remains on target and is in line with the overall business goals. They also provide insights and advice to the project team, and ensure that the project is completed on time and to the desired quality standards. The project steering committee is often used to make key decisions and provide strategic guidance to the project team.

Jeridnimo Geronimo

Whitero CEO, USA

Our Expert Team

Stephen Nesbitt
University of Illinois

Ruby Leung
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Robert Houze
Jr., University of Washington

GOES-16 Rapid Scan Imagery for RELAMPAGO

This incredible 30-second rapid-scan animation from GOES-16 demonstrates the very high spatial and temporal resolution from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). The rapid scan sector was set over north-central Argentina, which includes the city of Córdoba, where it captured some expected severe storms during an active late-summer weather pattern. This region is known to have some of the most extreme storms in the world.

The animation was created with the ABI band 2, its primary visible channel. Many interesting and important features of the near storm environment and convective clouds themselves are readily apparent. Differential motion between the developing thunderstorms and the low level clouds indicates the presence of converging low-level air leading to the rapid development of these Apparent rotation in the boiling cloud tops suggests intense updrafts or vertical motion in these storms. Severe hail was reported with at least one of the storms in the center of the domain around 2130 UTC.

This movie provides a proof of concept for the RELAMPAGO (Spanish for “lightning�?) field campaign. RELAMPAGO is an international project set for 2018-2019, whose goal is to study high impact weather and hydrometeorological extremes in central Argentina. It will also provide additional validation data sets to assess the ABI and Geostationary Lightning Mapper performance. Also of note is this data collection represents our first outside continental US test of the rapid scan capability of ABI on severe local storms.

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